Wheels are on.
Flares are on.
air dam is on.
spoiler is on.
seat is in.
header and cat back are on.
steering wheel, hub extender, and hub adaptor are in.
cage is sitting in the box.
tie rods are sitting in the box.
rear lower control arms are sitting in the box.
front lower control arms are sitting in the box.
roll center adjusters are sitting in the box.
tension rods are sitting in the box.
camber plates are sitting in the box.
horn is sitting in its packaging.
canards/splitters are chilling.
i should finally have a full day of working on the car tomorrow, and i have a digital camera. the car is at russels house at the moment, and he graciously allowed me to drive his truck home.
so i hope i have pics and a cool update.
Who Remembers The JUN Akira Supra?
1 day ago
the longest drive to pick up some parts.
"i cant see the road captain"! lol.
GOLLBETTY - If! [2009.09.09]
Tower Records limited single:
-Ed Lau (from laurante.wordpress.com)
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